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From our Constitutions and Norms: 

Art. 1 The Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles is a Society of Apostolic Life with Pontifical Right composed of clerics and brothers participating in the same Charism. Fraternal life and mission are its fundamental elements. It is the Holy Spirit who, through the Founder, brought the Society into being within the Church to promote, form and accompany youths ana adults in their vocation to the priesthood and to other ministries in the Church. 

Art. 2 We pledge ourselves to live fully according to this charism by a promise of fidelity. This promise calls us to live the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience in a fraternal life. 

Our primary sponsored work here in the United States is Holy Apostles College and Seminary, where many MSA's are administrators, members of the faculty and members of the formation team. 

Presently the MSA USA Province ministers to those in hospitals, prisons and parishes throughout the United States. If you are interested in more information about who we are please reach out to our Vocation Director at 

[email protected]

Thank you