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Looking for “a few good men!”

Looking for “a few good men!”

Aug 13, 2024

Rev. Jeffrey (Skip) Thompson, M.S.A.

CROMWELL. As you drive out the entrance road of the Holy Apostles College and Seminary campus you’ll see a sign declaring: “Entering Mission Territory.” That statement admits that the faith — in what used to be “one nation under God,” — is waning. Atheism is the basis for the “ideological colonization” that is swamping our culture so that “missions” are right in our backyard. So what are we doing about it? Well, it may be politically incorrect to say it, but the old Marine Corps recruitment motto: “We’re looking for a few good men,” still applies to the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. No apologies!

And the charism and mission of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles is precisely suited for the task. We exist to “promote, form and accompany youth and adults in their vocation to the priesthood and to other ministries in the Church.” 1 And so our Founder, Fr. Eusebe Menard, founded Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS) as our principle apostolate and place to train “a few good priests” to go on mission, right here in the good ‘ol USA.

How do we do it? The administration and faculty at Holy Apostles are committed to teaching the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16) by providing faithful, orthodox instruction and formation to give solid, holy priests to the Church. They pledge, by an oath of fidelity called the Mandatum, to teach according to the Church’s Magisterium regarding faith and morals 2 — so their charges may be spiritually well armed, servant soldiers of “salt and light,” that can inspire and guide the Church and evangelize the world-at-large. With this in mind, and with the approval of HACS Rector Fr. Peter Kucer, a vocation discernment opportunity, aka, a “Come and See” retreat, was offered inside the St. James House of Discernment on campus over 3 days, June 6, 7 & 8, 2024.

Whodunit? MSA Vocation Coordinator Fr. Skip Thompson flew cross- continent from Southern California to first attend the MSA-USA Provincial Assembly in late May; and secondly, multi-tasked by preparing and delivering an MSA vocation retreat. MSA Brs. Bobby Cantoni and Ronnie Aucoin were instrumental in preparing for and participating in the retreat program. And daily served and accompanied our “few good men.”

Three men “came and saw” — to discern and reconnoiter — our college and seminary and our MSA community of priests and brothers — who in
turn discerned right back! They were: Michael Gillespie of Walnut Creek, CA; Steven Roque of Winooski, VT and Chris Woods of Wantagh, NY on Long Island. The consensus was that a good experience was had by all! Good men, good time, good God!

Inside St. James' House of Discernment chapel. Seated from left to right are our "Aspirants" - Chris Woods, Mike Gillespie, and Steve Roque. Standing from L to R are Br. Ronnie Aucoin, yours truly, and Br. Bob Cantoni.

Special presenters to the retreat program included the MSA Provincial Animator and HACS Chancellor, the Very Reverend Marty Rooney; HACS Rector, the Very Reverend Peter Kucer, Provincial Bursar Reverend Ed Przygocki and our newly ordained Reverend Dan Valente — all MSA members.

Of the hundreds of writings by MSA founder, Fr. Eusebe Menard, OFM, one was specially printed and bound and shared with the men: “Guidelines for Life”. Also provided for their reading and inspiration was Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s classic “The Priest is Not His Own,” the 2019 book by Catholic layman Kevin Wells, “The Priests We Need to Save the Church,” and other materials related to the challenges of our times. Fr. Skip will follow up with each man individually — and more meetings will ensue with MSA leadership over the coming months as the “dance” continues. Please pray for Michael, Steve and Chris and our MSA men discerning with them.

If you think you are — or you know a man you think is — called to serve the Church as a priest please contact Fr. Skip in Oxnard, CA at his Retreat House in California. You can email: . Or call him at 805-330-8260. BTW: Pacific Time is 3 hours earlier than Eastern; please don’t call too early. Mercy! He will be very glad to speak with you.

Fr. Skip Thompson is a “second career” priest with the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles and was ordained in 2015. He has 3 children. He serves as the MSA Vocation Director and after concurrently serving as Director of Lay Ministries, Dean of Men at HACS from 2015 to 2020, and Provincial Bursar (whew!) he was sent to California. There Fr. Skip was installed by former Auxillary Bishop Robert Barron to begin ministry at the Retreat House at the Santa Clara Parish in Oxnard, CA. He arrived there on March 26, 2022, the feast day of MSA Founder Fr. Eusebe Menard. You can’t make this up!

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